Summary of Joseph's Family and Birth Records, uplifted from Polestar Cologne Conference Brochure
- Joseph Hubertus Pilates
- Born Dec. 9th 1883 Mönchengladbach/Germany, Gasthausstr. 32
- Worked as an assistant worker in the local brewery Mönchengladbach-Neuwe
- Moved Nov. 22nd 1900 to Heinsberg-Dremmen
- Mother and Father Roman Catholic, raised 9 children
Further Details
(with translation help from german speaking friends -thanks Edel, thanks Ingrid)
- Father's name: Friedrich, born 27th April 1859, profession described as Schlossergeselle: "mechanic", or "fitter"
- Mother's maiden name Hahn, born 21st May 1860, profession, or position: "housewife"
- Joseph was the second eldest in his family
Source: Stadtarchiv Mönchengladbach
The following copies of official records are uplifted from the Polestar Pilates
Mediapark Cologne 2008 Conference Brochure, (which in itself is an important historical document, and is archived
Picture: Copy of Birth Records
Picture: Record of Family Address in Moenchengladbach
Picture: Actual Pilates Family House, as it exists today
Actual street Address: 79 Dahlenerstrasse, Moenchengladbach
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Joseph Pilates Birth Certificate and House in Moenchengladbach
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
The Pilates Biographical Picture Gallery
Joseph Pilates, age 59: demonstrating Classical Greek Perfection...

Pilates with his niece (daughter of Fred Pilates,
who lived in St. Louis Missouri). Or perhaps it is Irena? ...
Pilates' picture, sent to his niece, Mary
Picture source:
Parkland Pilates Museum, Coral Springs, South Florida
Pilates the Showman explaining another piece of apparatus...

Pilates out Skiing, complete with one of the Cuban Cigars that eventually took his life.

Pilates in his late seventies. Able to squat and still full of Life...
Pilates, age 82. This picture epitomises the Pilates life and bio!
Purchase the Pilates Classics...
Brook Silers gives an excellent "do-able' presentation of the original
Pilates Matwork...
Available from this website...