...you'd better help yourself!
(Note: this web site in no way replaces the good work that doctors do.
It seeks to empower you to fill in the gaps that the doctor cannot cover in his 15
minute consultation. Please read on)...
Whatever your age and interests, there is something here for you.
You don't have to have the slightest interest
in athleticism! All you need is a willingness to overcome your problems!
What "EasyVigour" will do for you:-
- Develop your awareness of "Total Nutrition" - Our current diets are worse than what
we feed our dogs... I'm not joking! In fact, quite to the contrary. I'm a veterinarian,
and I am very qualified to give that opinion.
- Show you how to "drive" your body. Other fitness programs will turn your body into a
race car or a "Big Mac" truck... My approach is to teach you first how to drive! Each
Pilates Method/Alexander Technique exercise and movement awareness lesson
has been crafted to be teachable and do-able! - Bringing you to an exquisite awareness
of (for example) how to avoid a bad back.
- Develop your awareness of Relationship Health
- Bring religious health back into the life equation. Amidst the journalistic hype of
medical break-through and human genome projects, we definitely need to remember
(Ecclesiastes 8:8) "...no one has power over the day of his death..."
This web site is dedicated to all those who have learnt from suffering to
appreciate and nurture the good things that we have. Please take time to read and enjoy.
You will be glad you did!
How you can help...
The EasyVigour project went live in July 2003. It will take time to
polish and publish the life enhancing information that I have at hand.
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
(alternative Spelling: "EasyVigor")
Other websites that have quoted easyvigour...
Quotes (1)
Quotes (2)
Quotes (3)
Recommended Reading, this Website...
Pilates Information:- Includes a Joseph Pilates Biography and
Libraries of Printable Exercise Sheets...
Pilates Information
Posture and Body Alignment, Self Testing...
Posture Movement Awareness Tests
Back Pain and Back pain Relief:- Specializing in the Posture
and Movement Causes and Solutions to this Modern Western Epidemic...
Home of Back Pain Relief
The Back Maintenance
Manual for Lower Back Pain (Lumbago)...
Find out more!
Insight into the Western Epidemic of Back Pain and related Musculo-Skeletal Problems...
Engage Gluteus maximus
Recommended Reading, Other Websites...
URL.biz - Health
Links Section...
Pilates and other Links! -
Return to top...

© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project