The Reasons for the Online Library of Posture Movement Awareness Exercises:
If you have a recurring pain in any part of your body for which the doctor, physiotherapist or chiropractor
can offer only short term solutions such as rest, manipulations and pain killers, you probably will benefit
from these posture movement awareness exercises. Posture Movement Awareness Exercises
will help you to learn where you are going
wrong with the way you are holding and moving your body parts.
If the exercises that you see here make sense, and yet you are still not quite finding out what you
need to know, you need to see an Alexander or Feldenkrais Teacher or a Hellerwork Therapist.
Some web suggestions are listed at the bottom of this page.
- Side on Posture
- Key words: Posture-Movement Awareness, standing posture type,
picture ideal posture, picture swayback, picture kyphosis-lordosis, picture flatback
Related Exercises:-
- Engage Gluteus maximus!
- Key words: gluteus maximus workouts, buttocks muscle exercise, thoraco-lumbo-sacral fascia,
hip joint stabilization
- Is Your Lower Back Pain caused by Side-Bending to the Left or to the Right?
- stabbing pain in left side of back, causes of lower right side back pain
Related Exercises:-
- Left Looking, or twisted Pelvis
- Key words: Posture-Movement Awareness, Left looking or twisted pelvis
plantar fasciitis, anterior compartment syndrome, posterior tibial tendinosis, medial knee pain (negative mri),
tight medial hamstrings ("Pes Inserinum bursitis"), tight adductor muscles, iliotibial band syndrome, trochanteric bursitis.
Piriformis Syndrome, Sacro-iliac joint pain, one sided lumbar back pain
- The Seated Leg-Butt Raise
- lower pain on left side of back, lower left back and buttocks pain, lower right back pain,
right quadrant lower back pain,
severe pain in lower right side of back, pelvic torqued causing alignment problems, pictures

Further Reading:-
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Bruce Thomson
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Pilates Online Printable Positions and Exercises with Pictures and Diagrams
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project