I am a retired veterinarian, and have take up a new direction - in
movement instruction and massage therapy.
Despite a carefully constructed traditional weight training and exercise program, my body was falling apart.
Years of hard calvings and
general farm veterinary work were taking their toll. At 42 years of age, the
body does not forgive poor movement and posture patterns the way it used to.
I could make a quite a list of afflictions. Suffice to say that tennis elbow/golfer's elbow and sacro-iliac
pain/piriformis syndrome were severe enough to have me in fear of loosing my job. And (what was just as bad!)
I was going to have to give up my passion for cross country skiing.
I respect physiotherapists and
chiropractors, but they can only do so much...
Very few chiropractors and physiotherpapists
have studied the posture-movement re-training that I so badly needed.
Life Changing Advice from Pilates, Sahrmann and Alexander...
It was a dejected
and painful individual that limped into the local library to find a couple of life changing books.
(listed below - see references). These books (though in uniquely different ways) all
taught posture-movement awareness from Pilates and Alexander, and physiotherapist
Shirley Sahrmann's ground breaking book on DSM's (Directional Susceptibilities of Movement -
for more on this topic go to
Sitemap, and do a key word search for Sahrmann).
Give up my veterinary livelihood and my cross country skiing passion? - Not without a fight!
It took two years, and much detailed analysis, but these books in combination with internet and other resources
mean now that prolonged sessions of sitting, running, walking and skiing are pain free.
I still have my job. I can face the future with confidence!
Currently, in addition to my Pilates Instructor training,
I am enjoying "Peak Pilates" at the local gym...
The twice weekly discipline of Pilates is fine tuning my body to be free of pain! -
I encourage the reader to make a start on Pilates. If you are like me, you are a little bit
shy about doing group exercise sessions. I suggest that you make a start at home
by studying the resource material at:-
Visit the EasyVigour Free Pilates Exercise Library
Weight bearing Pilates exercises instructions in alliance with "Postural and Movement Awareness" -
a speciality of the EasyVigour Pilates method.
- Shirley A Sahrmann: Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes;
Publ. Mosby 2002
- The Official Body Control Pilates Manual Available from: http://www.bodycontrol.co.uk/
- Wilfred Barlow: "The Alexander Principle" Arrow Books Ltd. Reprinted 1987 ISBN 0 09 910160 2
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© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project