This page celebrates the Pilates Pictures Online Exercise Library...
"Postural and Movement Awareness" as advocated by all of the following pioneers
(pictures follow):-
Joseph Pilates
"Postural and movement awareness" as taught by the above pioneers!
(Alexander technique
Feldenkrais method
Shirley Sahrmann ) Note:
For more information re: Shirley Sahrmann, please go to Sitemap & key word search,
and do a web site search for Sahrmann!
The Special EasyVigour Pilates Exercises Positions and Moves: Includes Weight Bearing Exercises,
but the same
Pilates concepts of conscious control and core stability apply (see pictures below):-
Weight bearing Pilates exercises & moves in alliance with "Postural and Movement Awareness"
are a speciality of the EasyVigour Pilates method!.
Why do Pilates the EasyVigour way?
The Pilates Pictures & Exercises online Library:-
- Is well researched
- Incorporates and builds upon the postural and movement awareness of Alexander
Teaching, Feldenkrais Method, and Shirley Sahrmann's "Fourth Era" Physiotherapy
(see "references", published on each printable exercise page).
- Adds weight bearing positions to the traditional mat
exercises. Weight bearing Pilates Poses
allow practice of many common daily movements such as rising
from a chair or components of the runner's gait, and also reduce risk of osteoporosis.
- Contains pictures to support the text.
- Is free of charge!
Visit the Pilates Pictures Online Exercise Library now!
Note: EasyVigour Pilates is not offered by a Pilates Studio...
It incorporates but is not limited to Classical Pilates moves as promoted
for example by the Pilates Method Alliance or Peak Pilates.
EasyVigour Free Pilates Exercises & Moves here offered have been designed
from the bottomn up, incorporating the clinical experiences of top physiotherapists
Barbara Kendall and Shirley Sahrmann, and the observations of Alexander teacher Dr. Wilfred Barlow.
EasyVigour Pilates Exercises Instructions with Pictures have been provided as a therapeutic resource,
free of charge.
If even one person is helped out of pain or discomfort, then my goal has been achieved!
I hope that EasyVigour Pilates will encourage you to enrol at a
Pilates Studio near you!
Also, I appreciate any thoughtful and constructive criticism. How can I improve on the descriptions?
How can I improve on the moves? Thank you!
God Bless You!
Bruce Thomson
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Pilates is certainly a hot topic on the web.
Research shows that the
following search phrases are very popular (numbers refer to search requests per day for the whole web):-
Pilates Exercise (148)
Joseph Pilates (149)
Pilates Exercises (321)
Winsor, Pilates (1594)
Pilates Pictures (25)
Pilates Moves (18)
Pilates Positions (25)
Pilates Jobs (18)
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Pilates Online Printable Positions and Exercises with Pictures and Diagrams
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project