What are Triggerpoints?
TriggerPoint conditions are related to hard lumps or knots in the muscle tissues.
The lumps are caused by small areas of active spasm in the muscle, (rather like a "micro-cramp")
These triggerpoints refer pain to other areas in the muscle and attached tendons, and sometimes even further away...
Triggerpoint therapy has been used for
decades by doctors, pain specialists, and massage therapists to quickly stimulate
the flow of oxygen and promote rapid pain reduction.
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What is TriggerPoint Message Therapy? -
Triggerpoint therapy is one of the most intriguing and fastest-growing bodywork
styles in the world. Medical doctors, chiropractors, and alternative health
practitioners are all beginning to use this technique to relieve the pain of
individuals suffering from undiagnosable soft tissue pain-a condition that
studies have shown to be the cause of nearly 25 percent of all doctor visits.
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How to do Triggerpoint self therapy...
The technique involves applying short, repeated massage strokes to triggerpoints,
places in the muscle tissue where lack of oxygen causes referred pain.
These points are easily located by general readers and create pain throughout
the body in predictable patterns characteristic to each muscle, producing
discomfort ranging from mild to severe. The stimulation of the point causes an
increase in the oxygen level in the area and produces often instant relief. The
first edition of The TriggerPoint Therapy Workbook has made a huge impact in
the use of this dynamic technique. This is the first major revision of the overnight
classic-a complete update that includes new information specifically for massage
professionals as well as a detailed discussion of systematic muscle relaxation
techniques that can reinforce the therapeutic power of triggerpoint work.
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About the Author of The Triggerpoint Therapy Workbook ...
Clair Davies was a Piano Re-builder by trade. His interest in triggerpoint therapy began when he used it to
successfully treat his own "frozen shoulder" ("adhesive capsulitis" - traditionally an extremely
problematic condition to treat). Since that time, he has dedicated
himself to teaching others the same techniques. That dedication is obvious
throughout his writing and in the care he takes to make the therapy understandable
to the lay public.
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Description of the The Triggerpoint Therapy Workbook ...
The first edition of this workbook is regarded as a classic in its field, and was
the first book to introduce triggerpoint therapy to the general public as a self-care
tool for alleviating chronic pain caused by a variety of conditions, including
arthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, headache, muscle
ache, and repetitive strain injuries. As the author makes clear, all such
conditions are related to swelling caused by lack of oxygen in the surrounding
muscles or its connective tissue. Trigger point therapy has been used for
decades by doctors, pain specialists, and massage therapists to quickly stimulate
the flow of oxygen and promote rapid pain reduction. This book makes the same
techniques available to the general public with instructions that are easy to
follow, and abetted by an extensive collection of charts and corresponding illustrations.
Also included in this new edition is updated information that
should be of great interest to pain specialists and bodyworkers, as well as useful
instruction in a variety of relaxation techniques. Overall, this book is an
excellent self-care resource for anyone interested in pain relief.--Larry Trivieri Jr.
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Book Reviews and Personal Stories(sourced online at Amazon.com)
Triggerpoint Review no.1: Hip and Back Pain...
Reviewer: John Tinkler (MD) -
I was in so much pain that I couldn't sleep at night. I was diagnosed with arthritis
(hip, back, etc), but I was not satisfied that this explained my pain. Then I
found Davies' book and started to work on triggerpoints with the rubber ball
he recommends. It didn't solve all my problems, but it reduced my pain to the
point where I could sleep without pills (and demonstrated that my pain was at
least partly muscular)--and all for the cost of a ... little ball! And now
(several other therapies later), I still keep the book and the rubber ball
by my bed, and still follow its directions to massage key areas on a daily basis.
This book is terrific--the best "self-help" book I've seen. It is clearly written,
well organized, mostly well illustrated, and contains a wealth of really useful
detail. It is definitely not one of those "glossy" books--all photos and no
useful information. The author really does take the approach of someone who
was himself helped by this therapy and who wants to make it as clear and
accessible to his readers as possible. Very highly recommended.
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Triggerpoint Review no.2: I like to show the book to all my clients and most of them end up buying it.
Reviewer: Bonny French (East Syracuse, NY United States)
Mr. Davies has created a very useful reference for my practice as a registered nurse
and a massage therapist. I like to show the book to all my clients and most of them
end up buying it. Triggerpoints and the self massage therapy for them are
explained in an enjoyable manner. The author's writing is so down to earth
that it seems as if he's right in the same room talking to you as you read.
It's well organized and based on the works of Travell and Simons. It's easy
to look up a particular muscle. The detailed therapy instructions for each
site have helpful illustrations and the author explains the usual causes for
specific triggerpoints. I tell my friends, fellow massage therapists and
clients that this book is the best resource for self-treatment of muscular
pain I have discovered. All health care providers and receivers will benefit
from this book and it's not unrealistic to say it will reduce health care
costs. The book is a treasure.
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Triggerpoint Review no.3: Relief from Plantar Fasciitus, finally! (April 11, 2005)
After purchasing costly orthotics (custom and generic) as well as numerous other
foot care products designed to alleviate heel pain, after having steroid shot
into my heel (not fun!) and taking a lot of Celebrex, after my podiatrist
suggested surgery, I discovered this book and found, aaaaah, relief for the
first time in over 9 months.
For the price of this book and an $0.88 bag of small, hard rubber balls, my
heels/feet are almost pain-free. And I started the self-therapy five days ago.
Amazing! I was just beginning to think/dread that I'd be in pain for the rest
of my life.
Additionally, the book seems to have accurately diagnosed that I have a
condition called Morton's Foot which explains many of my other symptoms.
Now, why aren't more DOCTORS aware of this? My podiatrist surely isn't.
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Triggerpoint Review no.4: Reviewer: Heather (Colorado)
I found this book by chance and I can not say enough good things about it!
I have had issues with Illiotibial Band pain (hip to knee area of leg) from
running for about 10 years. I have wanted to run more over the years but have
not been able to because of the pain. The information I found in this book has
completely relieved the pain in my legs. I am hoping for happier running days ahead!
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Triggerpoint Review no.5: Relief from Severe Headache...
Reviewer: Yuval (Tel-Aviv Israel)
I am practicing SSY meditation, a powerful Samadhi meditation technique
...for 5 months now.
A couple of weeks ago my head muscles relaxed to such an extent that
severe headaches surfaced. I thought to meditate it away, but it wouldn't budge.
By chance I picked up this book, which I had bought for scoliosis a few months
ago. It remained un-opened in my library as I had no time to go over it.
WHAT LUCK. Perfect diagnosis. The sharp pains in my head are triggerpoints.
The burning pain is the referred pain from the triggerpoints. It perfectly
matches the theory as neatly explained in the illustrations in the book.
I tried massaging myself - difficult. I have high pain tolerance, but this
was above me. after 2 days my motivation was below zero. It was REALLY painful.
I showed the book to a massage therapist friend, and he gave me a 5 minutes
head rub per my instructions. The pain had gone down about 50%. This seems to
be the good strategy - diagnoze yourself, then let the experts treat you. It's
their business to know how to put the pressure on the tissue.
When I get the next rub I'll address the back pain. I didn't buy the "over-tight
compressed muscles on one side, weak stretched muscles on the other side"
scoliosis theory to begin with. Just goes to show how backward the establishment treatment level is.
Start smiling in relief. You can't miss with this outstanding book. Get it for your doctor.
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Triggerpoint Review no.6: A Thorough Do It Yourself Manual...
Reviewer: Ds Johal (Birmingham UK)
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Triggerpoints are universal. Triggerpoints are treatable. The Triggerpoint Therapy Workbook
by Clair Davies is a must buy!
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TriggerPoint Therapy WorkBook Presentation and Reviews © Bruce Thomson EasyVigour Project