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  Posture exercise:   the stand to sit movement Pilates Information
Pilates Alexander Technique
Free pilates Exercises Online
The Stand to Sit Movement:- Start Position (Standing Correctly):-
  1. Stand in front of a kitchen chair.
  2. Imagine that there is a buoyancy balloon in your head located above and between your ears. Let the balloon elongate your neck away from you shoulders. Feel the back of your neck elongate & your chin tuck slightly.
  3. Anchor your scapulas.
  4. "Attach" an imaginary weight to your tailbone. Your spine is now elongating between a weighted tail bone and a "lighter than air" skull.
  5. Your back still keeps its natural curve. Your pelvis should be in "neutral".
  6. Gently zip and hollow your lower abdomen.
  7. Unlock your knees.
  8. Place your feet hip width apart with the insides of your feet parallel.
  9. Form your foot arches by pushing your toes and balls of toes firmly toward the ground.
The Stand to Sit Movement:- Action
  1. Zip and hollow, and breathe in.
  2. Engage your Gluteus maximus muscles.
  3. (Breathing out, and thinking "head remain buoyant"): Let your knees and hips bend at the same time such that your torso and tibias are parallel with each other.    (cont. right>>>...)
The Stand to Sit Movement:-
Start Position Action Finnish
SitStand3 StandSit1
The Stand to Sit Movement (Continued)
  1. When your rear touches the front of the chair, relax into a sitting position, and use your hands to ease yourself backwards until your whole back is supported.
  2. Repeat four to 10 times. (And indeed every time you sit down through the day!)
  • The Gluteus maximus is weak in modern man, contributing to his lower back pain. This exercise reverses that tendency (3).
What it does
  • Keeps the spine from your pelvis to your skull well within its safe middle positioning(1,2).
  • Teaches your hip joints the movement pattern they used to have before chair sitting was invented.
  • Works your lazy Gluteus maximus.
Do not let your knees
collapse inwards:-
Watch Points
  • Your spine does not flex!
  • As you sink toward the front of the chair seat, let your head face downward just a little, but at the same time think "head buoyant" .
  • Do not let your knees collapse inwards.
  • Reference
    1. B I Kodisch: Back Pain Solutions: How to help Yourself with Posture-Movement Therapy and Education. Extensional Publ. Pasadena, Ca 2001 ISBN 0-9700664-5-7
    2. Wilfred Barlow: "The Alexander Principle" Arrow Books Ltd. Reprinted 1987 ISBN 0 09 910160 2
    3. Bruce Thomson: Engage Gluteus maximus!
    © Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project      scroll up^^^...