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  Pilates exercise:   single leg stretch (simple) Pilates Information
Pilates Alexander Technique
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The Single Leg Stretch (Simple):- Start Position
  1. Lie on your back in the relaxation position.
  2. Pelvic neutral and Scapulas anchored.
The Single Leg Stretch (Simple):- Action
  1. Breathe in and zip and hollow.
  2. (Breathing out): Bring one knee up at a time to your chest.
  3. Breathe in, and gently clasp your right knee with both hands.
  4. (Breathing out and still zipping): slowly sraighten your left leg up into the air. Keep your pelvis in neutral and your scapulas anchored.
  5. (Breathing in): bring your left knee back to your chest.
  6. Swap hands over on to the left knee, and do the same but on the opposite side.
  7. Repeat six to eight times each leg.
A powerful abdominal exercise, this is another Classic Pilates answer to the "Trunk-Curl Sit-Up", for which Shirley Sahrmann lists a total of 13 watch points to avoid injury. Don't do "Trunk-Curl Sit-Ups!" Do do the the Single Leg stretch!
(Related exercise: "Perfect Abdominal Curl").
Start Position
SnglLgStrtch1Strt Action
Comments Continued
Once you have mastered this exercise, proceed to the more demanding "Single leg Stretch (Advanced)"
What it does
  • It is a safe but challenging abdominal workout
  • Integrates a number of movements combined with core stability. Great for learning to consciously optimize your body positioning and movement.
Watch Points
  • Maintain pelvic neutral, zip and hollow, and scapular anchor!
  • Keep your neck relaxed and the upper chest "open".
  • Make sure that the sides of the waist remain symetrical: Don't buckle to the side!
  1. Shirley A Sahrmann: Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes; Publ. Mosby 2002
  2. The Official Body Control Pilates Manual Available from:
  3. Allan Menezies: The Complete Guide to the Pilates Method. Available from

© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
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