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  Hip joint rotation in the prone position Pilates Information
Pilates Alexander Technique
Free pilates Exercises Online
Hip Joint Rotation in the Prone Position:- Start Position
  1. Lie on the floor face down with a cushion under your stomach - You may dispense with the cushion if you are very proficient with your "zip and hollow".
  2. Place your hands under your forehead.
  3. Pelvic Neutral
  4. Anchor your scapulas.
  5. Chin gently tucked.
  6. Zip and hollow, and bend your left knee 90 degrees.
Hip Joint Rotation in the Prone Position:- Action
  1. Maintain zip and hollow and breathe in.
  2. (Breathing out): Slowly rotate your thigh so that your left foot points out to the side.
  3. Hold, and breathe in.
  4. (Breathing out): Slowly rotate your thigh so that your left foot now points over your buttocks.
  5. Five times each leg!
Watch Points for Hip Joint Rotation in the Prone Position:-
  • Maintain a strong "zip and hollow" -
  • Do not let your pelvis rotate!
  • Maintain scapular anchor.
(Hip Joint Rotation in the Prone Position Scroll right>>>...)
Pictures: hip joint rotation in the prone position:-
Picture: Start Position for Hip joint Rotation, Prone Picture: Start Position for Hip joint Rotation, Prone

Action- medial hip joint rotation in prone:- Picture: Medial Hip joint Rotation, Prone

Action- lateral hip joint rotation in prone:- Picture: Medial Hip joint Rotation, Prone

What this exercise does-
  • Teaches you to rotate your hip joint while not rotating your lumbar spine.
Note that we are not advocating spinal rigidity, we just want you to move your hip joints first, before you move you lumbar spine! Refer "Comments".

  • This is a basic exercise to help combat rotational instability of the lumbar spine.
  • The spine does "rotate", but most of that rotation should occur from the mid spine upward(3) and not in the lumbar spine, except the very lowest joint (lumbo-sacral), and even then not too much(2).

  1. Shirley A Sahrman: "Movement Impairment Syndromes" Publ. Mosby, 2002 ISBN 0-8016-7205-8
  2. Bruce Thomson Pilates Exercise: Knee Drops
  3. Judith Lasater: Out of Joint -

(Hip Joint Rotation in the Prone Position © Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project scroll up^^^^....)