Start Position
- Do this exercise either sitting or lying on back with legs long (you may also point and flex with knee folded up)
- (If seated, feel free to cross your legs).
Point and flex the feet:- Action
- Point the toes away from you
- Bring the toes up toward you
- Repeat slowly and with full range of motion to stretch the joints of the ankle and foot
- 10 times each foot
The wheels on your car have to stay balanced and aligned for optimal function and
the same applies to your feet.
(ankle range of motion exercise: point and flex the foot, scroll right>>>>....)
Flex and Point the Foot:
Start Position
Action: |
Flexing the Foot
Pointing the Foot
Watch Point
- Keep foot and lower leg aligned: no sickling as you point away
What it does
- This exercise teaches the ankle and foot to move "in line". Any tendency to buckle to the side
(as for example in twisted ankle) is reduced(1).
- Pilates exercises often include instructions to point or flex the foot,
so it is worth while to learn what this means!
- The Official Body Control Pilates Manual Available from: http://www.bodycontrol.co.uk/
- Bruce Thomson:
Engage Gluteus maximus!
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
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