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  Classical pilates mat online workout:   side kicks - small circles Classic pilates beginner exercises online
Free pilates exercises online
Pilates information
(1) Learning Pilates from other than a real live instructor is not easy, and does carry some slight risks. You should (in addition to these notes) attend a course of certified Pilates mat sessions. This is the safest way to learn, and it's also a lot of fun! (2) Please ensure that you are competent in "Pilates Contrology". (free pdf e-book).

Setup for Side Kick Series: Small Circles:
  • Lie on your side and line youself up on the back of the mat. Your underneath hand supports the side of your head, and your uppermost hand is planted firmly on the mat in front of your chest.
  • Bring your straight legs forward to an angle of 30 degrees, and stack shoulder over shoulder, hip over hip, and ankle over ankle.
  • Flex the lower ankle (toes to kneecap) and press the foot into the mat.
  • Engage your powerhouse to stabilize your spine and to keep your shoulders and hips still and vertically stacked throughout.
Action for Side Kick Series: Small Circles.
  • Half turn the leg out and make a football sized circle with your foot.
  • Pause, keep lengthening, and make circles in the other direction.

(Classical Pilates Technique: The Side Kick Series: Small Circles , Scroll right>>>...)

Classical Pilates for Beginners:
The Side Kick Series: Small Circles

Pilates:  The Side Kick Series: Small Circles
Level: Beginner, Repetitions: 5-8 each way

Previous Exercise:
The Up and Down Kick-
Classical Pilates Exercise: The Side kick series - up and down
(In classical Pilates Exercise, The Up and Down Kick preceeds the Side Kick Series: Small Circles ).
Next Exercise:
Inner Thigh Lifts and Circles.
Classical Pilates Online: Side Kick Series - Inner Thigh Lifts and Circles
Reach down behind your ankle, pull your foot up and plant it in front of your hip, and turn your knee out to the ceiling...

Classic Pilates Cueing:
  • And circle: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5... - Reverse: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5...
  • Further tires the the lateral hip rotators muscles (the "butt muscles") to the point that any trigger points in them are ready to respond to stretching (next set of exercises).
  • Practices pelvic stability and stabilizes the lumbar spine - important for low back pain.
Precision Points:
  • Circle the leg just as much behind as you do forward.
  • Stay stacked and stable - Imagine that buttocks and shoulders are lined up against the wall behind you.
  • Anchor with the lower leg: lengthen the heel away and "toes to knee cap!
Modifications: Don't let an injury or weakness stop you! There is always a modification. Take your time and find the right one for you. If in doubt, seek advice!
  • Back pain - Slow the movement and stabilize your pelvis!
  • Neck pain or tight shoulder- place your head on an oustretched arm or cushion.

Classical Pilates Technique: The Side Kick Series: Small Circles , © Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project