Imagine you have arrived for your first Lesson at the EasyVigour Pilates studio!...
You don’t know what to expect, but you are prepared to keep an open mind. Great! That’s all we ask! At the end of this Lesson you will be able to: -
- Lie in the Relaxation Position.
- Find “Pelvic Neutral”
- Work the transverse abdominal muscle, which is a major stabilizer of the lumbo-pelvic region.
- Breathe into the front, back and sides of your rib cage.
And finally, you will be able to perform items 2, 3, and 4 together while lying in the Relaxation Position, while lying on your front; and also while sitting and standing.
(1) Lie in the Relaxation Position:
Lie in the Relaxation Position (see diagram). Use a comfortable mat or carpet.
Support your head with a folded up towel or bath mat, about 3 cm thick.
Keep your feet and knees in line with your hips, or a little wider if that is more comfortable.
Place hands on abdomen (see diagram)
Take a deep breath, and release it slowly.
(Pilates Low Back Pain (1): Relaxation & Pelvic Neutral, Scroll right>>>>....)
(1) Pilates Relaxation Position
(2) Compass tilted North
(3) Compass tilted South
(4)Compass Neutral
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Now breathe gently.
Relax by: -
- Letting your body widen and lengthen.
Releasing any tense areas by letting them melt down toward the ground:-
- Imagine sand trickling out of your back pockets
- Imagine sand trickling from the points of your shoulders
- Imagine sand trickling from the middle of the back of your neck
You are now relaxed & ready to find Pilates “Pelvic Neutral”
Find “Pelvic Neutral”
Pelvic Neutral is the mid point of movement at the point where the lumbar spine
joins the sacrum. All joints are safest at or around their “mid-point”. Your body
does not automaticaly know a joint's mid point, but it can be taught!
Imagine there is a compass on your abdomen, with the needle pointing toward the north (your head).
Before we can find “Neutral”, we need to explore the full range of pelvic tilt.
Tilt your pelvis to the north (toward your head- see diagram). Now tilt to the South
(toward your feet- see diagram). Caution! Do not push beyond the level of mild discomfort!
Now come back to the centre of your pelvic range of movement. You should still
have a small natural arch in your back (not quite enough to get your fingers under).
The “compass” is flat. This is Pelvic Neutral.
Next lesson: Pilates Low Back Pain (2): Work the Transversus abdominis