Ankle Circle:- Start Position
- Lie in the Relaxation Position.
- Maintain pelvic neutral. Apply scapular anchor.
- Bring one thigh up and take hold of it just behind the knee.
Ankle Circle:- Action
- Gently zip and hollow.
- Keep the leg completely still, and circle the foot slowly and as widely as it will go.
- Repeat 3-5 times, then circle in the opposite direction.
- Repeat for the opposite leg.
- If you have ever sprained your ankle, then your ankle stabilizer muscles are probably still
weak and/or recruiting poorly. This exercise will get them up and running again.
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What it does:-
- Returns flexibility and sensory awareness to the msucles and ligaments of the sprained ankle.
- Exercises the Ankle Stabilizer Muscles in a nice gentle way.
Watch Points:-
- Maintain pelvic neutral!
- Keep your upper body and arms relaxed!
- Keep your neck relaxed! (Feel free to place a small cushion under your head).
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
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