The Side Roll:- Start Position
- Relaxation Position. Feet hip width apart.
- Arms out to the side, palms upward. (You will use your arms to stabilize
your upper body against rolling).
- Pelvis neutral, scapulas anchored.
The Side Roll:- Action
- Breathe in and zip and hollow,
- (Breathing out): Roll your head to the right and knees to the left. (A little
way to start with).
- Breathe in.
- (Breathing out): Zip hard and use the abdominals to pull your knees back to the centre.
- With each repeat, go a little further. Only go as far as pain alows.
- Repeat four to 8 times each side.
Lift the Spine off one part at a time!:-
- Roll the pelvis off the floor, then the waist, then mid, and finally upper torso!
- For the return, do the same: The upper torso, then mid torso, waist and
finally the pelvis!
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Side Roll: Start
Side Roll: Action
Comments Continued
- This exercise is one alternative to the
"trunk curl with situp" which emphasizes the Rectus
abdominis and which is fraught with potential to damage your body: It is so potentially dangerous that
Sahrmann(1) gives 13 specific guidelines on how to avoid damage
from it!
The Side Roll (and related Pilates Exercises)
are better alternatives!
What it does
- This exercise develops control and strength in the abdominal obliques, which
are major muscles of lumbar stability, and also help the Rectus abdominis in its
function as well.
Watch Points
- Make sure that the pelvis looks to the side and does not try to "look upward"
or "downward".
- The abdominal muscles perform the exercise. Not the legs!
- Anchor your scapulas throughout.
- Shirley A Sahrmann: Diagnosis of and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes
Publ. Mosby 2002
- The Official Body Control Pilates Manual Available from: http://www.bodycontrol.co.uk/
© Bruce Thomson, EasyVigour Project
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